











還有一種現象稱「量子衰減效應(quantum decoherence)」,這是量子計算機必須面臨的挑戰。在量子系統,粒子會因為量子糾纏效應隨著時間逐漸流失,也可以說量子糾纏跟量子衰減存在因果關係。





Actually, my background is information technology. Additionally, I had also discovery field of physics. First, we should know the quantum and network before start quantum network.

What is network? I think any wired or wireless method between any two nodes, and they transport signal by same format, that is network. The "computer network" is a knowledge, it is discuss these things.

You transport file to computer by USB cable, is it network? of course. But, few people say it. Computer and phone are two nodes, file was transported to computer from phone that is transport of data(signal).

What is quantum? First we should know "elementary particle". The science keep on progress, so different definitions of elementary particles in each era.
Elementary particle is the basic unit of matter, it can not decompose.

Previously, thought the atom is elementary. Later, the atom can be decompose and get protons, neutrons, electron and so on. Can science able to sure quantum not be decompose? I think the quantum is a concept of relativity, not absolute like atom.


Then quantum network is very popular now. I think reason for nature of network security that signal transmission is very different from past computer network standards and technologies.

In common computer network, transport data and protect data are two different things. The ethernet especially. Because ethernet is a multiaccess network(broadcast network).
The node often use broadcast method to transmit data in ethernet. It cause other nodes want to monitor your data that not difficult.
Usually, security-based so we encrypted data. Encryption methods keep on grow over time. It is also increasingly difficult for hacker to decrypt data they have eavesdropped. Actually difficult but theoretically feasible.
Quantum network is not it! Quantum-mechanics based principle, each quantum nodes utilize "Quantum Key Distribution(QKD)" to form secure communication network.
If third node attempt to monitor them over any method that cause quantum bit be changed. So the content passed by the signal is changed. Make it impossible to be cloned.


There are two characteristics of quantum states: quantum measure and quantum entanglement.
I think the latter is an extension of the former.
Quantum measure that particle A and particle B, their state is synchronize.
Quantum entanglement that particles utilize entanglement effect(interdependence). When particle A be changed, particle B also synchronize form corresponding state.
It is essence of quantum communication security


However, there is a phenomenon that "quantum uncertainty". To measure unknown quantum state cause it be changed.
I have only measure and not change it, but it still be changed. It make we need to obsere some regular(formula).
And other phenomenon that "quantum decoherence". It is a must face challenge for quantum computer.
In Quantum system, the particles will gradual loss over time because quantum decoherence. Also there is a causal relationship between quantum entanglement and quantum decoherence.


Quantum technology or it characteristic are not represent good or bad. It like computer engineer do bad some things that form hacker, hacker do good some things that form computer engineer.
Quantum technology too, quantum computing can be attack, quantum communication can be defense.

Currently, quantum computer is researching phase. But some quantum WAN have entered application phase.
China builds backbone of quantum communication in Sep 2019, and that connect Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan and Hefei. It be call "Beijing and Shanghai trunk line".
It used in business, finance and other fields.

The US has also invested heavily in quantum research, such as "Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science(SCQIS)".
The document divide quantum technology into 4 research fields: quantum sense and computing, quantum simulation, quantum network, quantum hardware.
The US is not only invest programming education in elementary school, but also to planning invest quantum education.
I feel that elementary students of US are so tired! haha!


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